Contact Us: (786) 470-5735  Mon - Thurs 9:30am to 4:30pm

Make A Donation

Help support the ongoing mission of Justice For Our Neighbors.

The average cost of an immigration case is about $5,000 in legal fees, with some more complex cases requiring many more hours. We are able to complete cases at zero cost to our clients because of the generosity of people like you. This is especially important to immigrants, who are not eligible for the services of a public defender and who are required to pay large fees to the US Government for most forms filed. A pro-bono attorney helps to offset these costs and ensures the quickest and easiest path in every case.

Donate Online

Click below to be directed to the Justice For Our Neighbors Give Miami Day donation page.

November 14th-17th is Give Miami Day! Please consider making your donation on the Give Miami Day Website by clicking the button above!

With your support Florida JFON can continue to serve as a refuge to immigrants from around the world who seek safety and protection.

Thank you for your donation!